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Dogs + Pet Services

  • A RAST test, or radioallergosorbent test, is a blood test that can be used to determine which allergens are causing a pet's allergies. This test is often performed as part of the workup for atopic dermatitis in dogs. The results of allergy testing are typically used to develop a hyposensitization plan for your dog, which helps desensitize your dog to allergens. Many dogs treated with hyposensitization, formulated on the basis of RAST results, experience a significant reduction in the signs of allergic dermatitis.

  • A recessed vulva, also referred to as a juvenile or hypoplastic vulva, is a conformational issue that occurs in female dogs. In this condition, the vulva is recessed within, or partially hidden by, surrounding folds of skin. Some dogs might have a recessed vulva for their entire life without ever experiencing any visible effects. In other dogs, however, a recessed vulva can predispose them to vaginitis and/or urinary tract infections. Depending on the severity of your dog’s clinical signs, medical or surgical options may be used to treat this condition.

  • Congratulations on the addition of a new puppy to your family! This handout provides general care advice for your puppy, including nutrition, play and chewing behavior, housetraining, socialization, nail trimming, and basic first aid.

  • Owning a puppy can be an extremely rewarding experience but it is also a large responsibility that lasts the entire lifetime of the dog. Working with your veterinarian, there are several preventive measures to help keep your puppy safe and healthy as he grows up, including vaccination, parasite treatment and prevention, identification, and spaying or neutering your dog.

  • Cryptorchidism is the failure of one or both testicles to descend into the scrotum. Toy breeds may be more at risk, but it can affect any breed of dog and is believed to be an inherited trait. Diagnosis can usually be made by palpation but sometimes requires blood testing or an abdominal ultrasound if the dog’s history is unknown. Risks of retained testicles include testicular cancer, spermatic cord torsion, and the development of undesirable male characteristics, so neutering is strongly recommended. Surgery is generally routine, and recovery is similar to any abdominal surgery.

  • Some dogs have a condition known as paroxysmal respiration, more commonly called reverse sneezing. With this condition, the dog rapidly pulls air into the nose, whereas in a regular sneeze, the air is rapidly pushed out through the nose. The dog makes a snorting sound and seems to be trying to inhale while sneezing.

  • Ringworm infections in cats are caused by a fungus, not a worm. They can be easily recognized, though definitive testing by fungal culture is recommended. Ringworm is highly contagious and can be spread between animals and from animals to people. The clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and risks are explained in this handout.

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is spread by various species of ticks and is not confined just to the Rocky Mountain regions of North America. Clinical signs can be non-specific and affect multiple body systems. Early diagnosis and treatment give the best prognosis for recovery after treatment with antibiotics. Prevention of tick bites and prompt removal of ticks is important.

  • Round cell tumors are among the most common skin tumors in dogs, and they typically form just under the skin, although they may change the surface of the skin above them. It is impossible to diagnose any of them without a veterinary pathologist analyzing a tissue sample of the tumor under a microscope. If detected early, most round cell tumors can be easily removed.

  • Roundworms are the most common gastrointestinal worm found in dogs and can also be transmitted to people. They are of most concern to puppies when present in large numbers, causing stunted growth, a pot-bellied appearance, and recurrent diarrhea. Diagnostic testing, treatment, and preventive measures are explained in this handout.